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[Date: February 29th, 2027] THE FIRST GATE Empty [Date: February 29th, 2027] THE FIRST GATE

Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:06 pm
[Date: February 29th, 2027] THE FIRST GATE History_FirstGate1
Anything underlined is a link…

In the summer of 2074, Los Angeles International Airport was bustling as usual when a sudden tremor shook the ground. At Terminal 3, where flights to all corners of the globe were set to depart, something far more sinister emerged—a rift in reality tore open, revealing a burning gate of obsidian and flame. In an instant, a violent explosion ripped through the terminal, sending shockwaves across the city. From this infernal "Hell Gate," hundreds of demonic creatures spilled forth, wings of ash and eyes glowing with malice.

Chaos erupted. The creatures, snarling and grotesque, descended upon the airport, spreading panic among travelers and security alike. In minutes, LAX transformed from a hub of human transit into a battleground of survival. Government forces were called in, but against the supernatural swarm, their weapons seemed futile. Meanwhile, mystics and occult experts across the world warned that the gate was not merely a tear in space—it was a calculated invasion, centuries in the making.

In the days that followed, LAX became the heart of an apocalyptic siege, as the Hell Gate pulsed with otherworldly energy, spewing more fiends into the world. The fate of the city, and perhaps the planet, now rested in the hands of a few who dared confront the rising darkness. LAX had become not just an airport, but a frontline against Hell itself.

As the demonic infestation spread, the U.S. government wasted no time in declaring a state of emergency. Military units were rapidly deployed to contain the chaos, but even their most advanced weaponry faltered against the creatures pouring from the Hell Gate. In a desperate bid to stop the spread, LAX and its surrounding areas were quarantined. Razor-wire fences, concrete barricades, and watchtowers were erected overnight, while airspace over Los Angeles was sealed off. The airport, once a beacon of global travel, became a prison—a forsaken zone where the living dared not tread.

Inside the quarantine, it was pure carnage. Thousands of civilians—travelers, staff, and emergency responders—were caught in the initial onslaught, their bodies littering the terminals and tarmacs. For days, survivors attempted to hold out, barricading themselves in hangars, offices, and baggage claim areas, but the demons hunted relentlessly, driven by an unholy hunger. Panic-stricken reports and videos leaked from the inside showed horrors unimaginable: twisted creatures feasting on flesh, massive winged beasts blotting out the sun, and fires that refused to die. Any attempt to breach the quarantine resulted in instant death as the creatures struck down those who ventured too close.

In Washington, D.C., the government initiated "Operation Inferno," a classified effort to contain the disaster and prevent the Hell Gate from spreading its influence. Entire battalions of soldiers, including elite units trained in unconventional warfare, were sent to Los Angeles, only to vanish within hours. Drone strikes and missile bombardments were authorized, turning parts of the airport into smoldering ruins, yet the demonic horde showed no sign of diminishing.

Meanwhile, the US Army Corps of Engineers cordoned off a massive perimeter extending miles around LAX. Anyone attempting to breach the cordon was either detained or, if too close, met with lethal force. The entire region became a forbidden zone, cut off from the rest of the country. The media was strictly controlled, with the government feeding the public carefully curated information to prevent widespread panic, while rumors of the true scale of the devastation swirled through underground channels.

Those few who survived inside reported that the Hell Gate was expanding, pulsing with energy, and warping reality itself. As the days dragged on, the U.S. government realized that this was not a battle they could win with conventional means. They turned to the unthinkable—occult experts, scholars of forbidden knowledge, and shadowy agencies long hidden from the public eye were called upon to find a way to close the Hell Gate before it consumed not just Los Angeles, but the world.

If you have any questions, ask a staff member!
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