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The Rules Empty The Rules

Sun Mar 10, 2024 3:33 am
The Rules Site_Rules1
Please Read Carefully

Welcome! Shadowed Earth is a custom world built by a dedicated community of writers who focus on strong storytelling and character development. We are happy to bring on newcomers, but every established community has their rules. Read through ours to make sure we are a right fit for you.

When you're ready, join, create your character, and tell your story!

We have a couple of warnings:

Firstly, we use A.I. generated images on this site. Since there is no profit in it, and not everyone out here is an artist, we don't see a problem with utilizing the technology for a hobby. We usually use them as representations for NPCs, landscapes, and cities. If you have a problem with this, we completely understand that this may not be the site for you.

There are systems in place that can feel like the gamification of role play. We want to emphasize that these systems are used to keep balance, allow for comparisons, and to help members understand their character's current power levels for the power-scope of the site. They are not considered absolute, since we encourage and much prefer clear communication between members in order to create fun narratives.

The Natural Order of Things

Shadowed Earth is a new site, but was created by a group of long-time friends. Each are personally invested and dedicated to the success of the site. Members are here to have fun, and every member is expected to show and receive the respect they deserve. Your reputation will be your greatest strength, or possibly the reason for your downfall. Nurture it well.

Shadowed Earth is a literate forum role play website. We require decent grammar, complete sentences, and well thought out ideas. We do not accept “L33T speak” or “Text talk” within posts. If you need help in any of these subjects, don’t be afraid to ask.

Discord: Practically all non-RP communication occurs through our Discord Server. This includes basic member communication, site events, plotting, character application reviews, and more. If you want to be considered an active member, you are required to join the Discord.

Click HERE to join.

Fundamental Rules

1. Not Safe For Work (NSFW): You know exactly what this is. Keep this type of content to the designated areas on both Forum and Discord. These areas are likely locked off for member safety, so you may have to ask for the proper roles to gain access.

2. Completed Apps: Once your character application is completed, copy the link into #staff-help and ping ( @staff ) on Discord. It will be added to the queue for review. Brand new members do get priority focus. Checking applications takes time, and our volunteer staff team have lives they live. Be patient. Impatient behavior will not push you ahead of anyone.

3. Bumping: You can bump something that needs staff approval if you've waited a while. For first characters, one week is okay. Two weeks is the preferred time between bumps for all other submissions. Excessive bumping will not quicken the queue. Do not bump Rp threads; this is when you should communicate with your RP partner instead.

4. Communication: You are allowed to have ideas and suggestions. Bring them forward. Staff will discuss whether they fit the setting and narrative of the site. It is vital for members to understand how important communication is. If your idea colors outside of the lines of our current setting, ask for help to mold it to something more fitting. Be open, be flexible.

Communication also refers to problems with members, staff, or with systems in place. You may notice something we didn’t. Bring these concerns forward and we can discuss them.

5. Site Inactivity: When a member becomes “inactive,” it means they have not completed at least three threads within six months. There are activity checks at the middle (June-July) and end (Dec-Jan) of the year. The inactivity check will last two weeks. Those who become inactive will have their characters archived and deemed inactive. An inactive character loses the claim to any leadership positions, their face claims, and will need re-checked when/if you return.

6. The auto-playing of videos or songs is not allowed.

7. No member is allowed to block a staff member on Discord. If you have a problem with a staff member, you can request “no personal DM contact” and the member of staff will not contact you through DMs outside of staff work requirements. Public chats are not subject to this.

8. Alternate Accounts: A person is only allowed one account on Discord and the Forum. Any alternate or secondary accounts will be deleted from the forum and banned from Discord.

Solving Problems

This is an open community and everyone is expected to behave with a certain level of maturity. Because of the number of people, problems will inevitably arise. When problems arise between members, they are expected to communicate with each other first. Attempt to mend those bridges. If this has been attempted and the problem continues, report this to a member of staff and it will be handled accordingly and depending on the severity.

The Rules of Role Play

1. Character applications must be approved before participating in a thread.

2. All character threads must be written in third person.

3. We do not limit the number of characters a person can have. However, only one character can be submitted for grading at a time, and there is a requirement of 20 posts before a new character is submitted. Solo-threads do not count toward this number.

4. No one is perfect, and that includes your characters. There is absolutely no god-modding, meta-gaming, or power playing allowed.
  • God-Modding: Making your character invincible, where they never get hit, or aren't ever damaged when someone does hit them. The skill sheet system is there to help with this.
  • Meta-gaming: Using out of character knowledge while in-character. Make sure you really measure your character’s personal knowledge. Meta-gaming is not fun to deal with.
  • Power Playing: Taking control of another character's actions or results without member-permission. Do not decide the outcome of an action for someone else's character. Auto-connecting attacks are not allowed.

5. When participating in combat threads, do not add prediction clauses. A prediction clause often goes like this: “If your character does move A, my character immediately takes action B.” This kind of role play creates issues where opponents feel the need to think around your predictions instead of working with their character's instincts. It’s best to keep combat posts to shorter descriptions to help the fight flow and let no text be wasted.

6. Character death can occur, but is usually done with permission or with the submission of a death application. Killing off someone's hard work because it is fun for you is not allowed. Communicate with your RP partners. Character death is automatically ON during site events.

7. Explicit sexual content is allowed in the "mature board." If a thread suddenly heads that direction, make sure to fade-to-black the scene or have the thread moved to the mature board. Always confirm the age of the person you are RPing with before jumping down that rabbit hole. Ages 18+ only for both members AND characters in the mature board.

8. Title Tags will tell members whether anyone is allowed to join your thread or whether it is invite only. Use either “private” or “open” in the title to show this. A thread with no tag will be considered “open.” The “solo” tag is for threads that only you will post in.

9. No less than five sentences in a post. Templates do not count.

Consequences of Rule Breaking

The severity of the offense may be cause for more stringent punishment, so nothing below is set in stone, but acts as a general guideline:

1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Kick from Chat
3rd Offense: 1-Week Ban.
4th Offense: 1-Month Ban.
5th Offense: Permanent ban.

Welcome to Shadowed Earth
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